
Diego Albani

Diego is the head of Genetics of Neurodegenerative Disorders Unit at Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research in Milan. He is an external advisor within the ERC-CoG-2016 MINERVA project, where he will provide required expertise in the field of cell biology of neurodegnerative disorders and related biomarkers of pathology.


Diego Albani CV

Paola Petrini

Paola is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano. Her research is in the soft materials, mainly produced using natural materials, for in vitro models, tissue regeneration, and drug delivery. Mucus permability and nanoparticles for drug release. Antibacterial surfaces.


Paola Petrini CV

Manuela Teresa Raimondi

Manuela is an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “G. Natta”. She is also the founder and head of  “Mechanobiology Lab” and “Live Cell Imaging Lab”. He is an external advisor with expertise in the field of micromechanical bioreactors and cell mechanobiology.


Manuela T. Raimondi CV